lunes, 14 de enero de 2013


Me asalta la sensación de haber perdido algo.
Respiro hondo y descifro el qué. La idea cruza mi mente: limpia, brillante, rápida.
Juego con esa sensación durante un instante pero la desecho rápido, como si quemase (y así es, de hecho). Otra idea empieza a formarse en mi cabeza, en respuesta a la anterior. La dejo entrar, le doy la bienvenida, la acojo y la retengo... Y en ese rincón de mi cabeza soy, por fin, plenamente consciente de que lo único que realmente he perdido es un sueño, sólo un sueño, pero igualmente comprendo de forma inexorable que esta insistente sensación de pérdida absurda y constante es lo que me mantiene en la cuerda floja...
Y doy otro paso más, siempre en equilibrio, siempre sin mirar al vacío pero con la certeza de que está justo debajo de mis pies, esperando para devorarme si doy un paso en falso.
Afianzo el pie y vuelvo a respirar hondo: no he caído tampoco esta vez...

I kept the right ones out
and let the wrong ones in.
Had an angel of mercy
to see me through all my sins.
There were times in my life
when I was goin' insane
tryin' to walk through the pain.

And when I lost my grip
and I hit the floor
yeah, I thought I could leave
but couldn't get out the door.
I was so sick n' tired
of livin' a lie,
I was wishing that I would die.

It's amazing
with the blink of an eye
you finally see the light.
Oh it's amazing
when the moment arrives
you know you'll be alright.
Yeah, it's amazing
and I'm saying a prayer
for the desperate hearts tonight.

That one last shot's a permanent vacation
and a how high can you fly with boken wings.
Life's a journey, not a destination
and I just can't tell just what tomorrow brings.

You have to learn to crawl
before you learn to walk
but I just couldn't listen
to all that righteous talk, oh yeah.
I was out on the street
just tryin' to survive,
scratchin' to stay alive.

It's amazing
with the blink of an eye
you finally see the light.
Oh it's amazing
when the moment arrives
you know you'll be alright.
Oh, it's amazing
and I'm saying a prayer
for the desperate hearts tonight.